Im starting to take your comics!

submit comics to my e-mail address: | or my discord : dawg#6260

your comics will end up here: your comics


"Shut up, Michael!" comics

just a comics series i started up out of boredom.

rating by the esrb (totally legit) Not suitable for readers under 13. May contain violence, crude humor, minimal blood, unfunny humor, and frequent use of strong language.

Title: Do the uncolor.

Comic 01a

*was thinking of not making this comic public, but ehh why not. to anyone who is a furry im sorry

Title: The Dorito situation

Comic 02a

Title: All the ladies?

Comic 03a

Title: Grass dog, huh? LOL

Comic 04a : title: Grass dog, huh? LOL

Title: The Pisswater drink

Comic 05a : title: The Pisswater drink

context for this comic

michael pokes fun at his (unnamed for now) buddy because he's a shiba inu. shiba inu can be literally translated as, "grass dog" in google translate. for further proof here's some screenshots

= = = S I T E M A P = = =